Given its commitment to assist its Member Microfinance Institutions in acquiring the needed resources and tools for the effective delivery of services to the poor, the Mindanao Microfinance Council organizes and conducts roundtable discussions with local, national, and international agencies/organizations to work together in developing microenterprises in the region and represent the microfinance sector of Mindanao in national policy development.
Enhancing the knowledge and skills of microfinance practitioners is one of the top priorities of Mindanao Microfinance Council in order to strengthen its member institutions and enable them to pursue income generating activities and contribute significantly to the socio-economic development in reducing poverty incidence in Mindanao.
Other than conducting seminars/workshops, MMC has been organizing annual events such as the Mindanao Microfinance Conference and Microfinance Practitioners Summit for member institutions and other stakeholders to resolve current issues and concerns in the microfinance industry.
The Mindanao Microfinance Council has actively been involved in developing and promoting Water Access, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Loan Programs through its WASH Partner Microfinance Institutions, which was initiated from the Water Credit Adoption (WCAD) Project in Mindanao in partnership with
Likewise, MMC in collaboration with the German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation continuously offers capacity development activities to MMC Member Institutions through seminars/workshops, which are more focused in improving MFIs’ Board of Directors Governance, Enhancing Management Skills, Credit Risk Management and promoting Financial Literacy to clients.